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6 common foods that you should never combine with medicines





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Medicines are supposed to make us feel better and healthier, but sometimes certain medicines can do the opposite and harm our health.

So it is important to read the side effects of each medicine and educate yourself about the things you should avoid.

But did you know that there are foods that can negatively affect certain medications and even make them dangerous?

And we are not talking about junk food - this is especially true for foods that are usually considered healthy.

It is always recommended to consult a doctor and learn about the foods you can and cannot eat while you are taking medication, but we hope this information will help you stay healthy and safe.

If you take these pills regularly..

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..avoid grapefruit

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Consuming grapefruit is wonderful in many ways, but eating the fruit while taking Viagra can be fatal. The fruit contains a substance that prevents the drug from breaking down, and in the worst cases, can cause a heart attack.

If you are at risk for heart disease, never combine the two. According to the Harvard Family Health Guide, grapefruit increases the concentration of the drug.

If you take blood thinners..

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..avoid spinach

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Foods rich in vitamin K may neutralize the anticoagulant effect of the drug, according to an archived article published in 2015 in the Cleveland Clinic website.

Vitamin K is found in spinach, strawberries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, avocados and carrots, along with other fruits and vegetables. If you eat a lot of these fruits and vegetables, you risk blood clots.

If you take birth control pills...

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..avoid perforatum (commonly known as St John's wort)

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A number of additives, and especially St John's wort, may reduce the effectiveness of the pill.

Natural products containing St John's wort reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. The effect lasts for about two weeks after the eclipse ends with a storm, according to ABC News.

If you are taking tetracycline..

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..avoid dairy products

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Tetracycline is an antibiotic used to treat lung, sinus, and pelvic infections.

It is recommended to avoid dairy products such as milk, cheese, cream, and yogurt when you are taking tetracycline.

The calcium in these foods prevents the intestine from absorbing the active ingredient in the medicine, according to Mayo Clinic.

If you take beta blockers..

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..avoid licorice

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Beta blockers have various uses, but mainly to lower high blood pressure.

Eating licorice raises blood pressure and studies have found that eating 50 grams of licorice a day is very harmful if you have a tendency to have high blood pressure.

If you take blood pressure medicine..

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..avoid bananas

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Medicines for blood pressure usually help increase the amount of potassium in the body.

In general, potassium is good for you, but if you consume too much of the mineral, it can lead to heart complications, including an irregular heartbeat and palpitations.

Other foods rich in potassium are oranges and potatoes.

As always, everyone is unique, and people respond differently to medications. But we hope this information about the possible risks helped you.


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