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A mother's baby hasn't stopped smiling since she was born, but it turned out to be a warning sign the doctors missed





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Seeing the light for the first time in your child's eyes is a very significant moment.

After all, this is the first time you are seeing a mirror image of yourself in so many ways.

When Amy, Vanessa's daughter, was born, she actually came out of the womb with a big smile on her face.

But when the mother noticed that her daughter's fingers had a tendency to bend inward, she immediately suspected something was wrong.

A smile on a baby's face is a wonderful thing.

One look at that big smile from ear to ear can turn the worst day into one you'll remember for the rest of your life.

Vanessa had already been through three pregnancies by the time she got pregnant with Amy.

Every pregnancy had difficulties, but Vanessa knew more or less what to expect. But when Amy arrived, she had a certain uniqueness.

The little girl had a permanent smile on her face. Vanessa was very surprised by the constant happiness that the baby's face showed from the moment she was born.

But it turned out that the smile was actually a warning sign.

It's been a while since Amy was born but the smile hasn't passed. Vanessa wanted to believe that her daughter was just happy all the time, but when she noticed that the girl's fingers were always bent inward, she suspected that something was wrong.

She contacted the doctors, who told her she was 'looking for things'.

And yet, Vanessa's gut feeling didn't go away. She did some research on her own and discovered that if a child's fingers are always bent inward, it can be a sign of various syndromes.

Looked for an expert

Amy was sent home from the hospital with a discharge form declaring her perfectly healthy, but Vanessa was determined to get a second opinion.

She contacted a specialist who agreed to examine Amy, and wonder of wonders, the little girl was diagnosed with a syndrome called Williams Syndrome.

According to Wikipedia: Williams Syndrome is also called the love syndrome (because the people in the syndrome are characterized by increased empathy and excessive sociability) and is a rare genetic syndrome, caused by a chromosomal damage. The syndrome was first described in 1961, by a cardiologist from New Zealand named John Williams. The syndrome occurs in one out of 20,000 births and is incurable.

Since 2013, Amy has undergone several heart surgeries. And mother Vanessa said she was doing great.

"My special days with Amy are not the 'big' days like trips to Disney World. But cuddling together on the couch on rainy days", she wrote.

Vanessa also said that many people think that Amy is happy all the time because of the smile, but her mother wants to emphasize that her child is like any other child - sensitive with different moods.

"I would like Amy to be able to drive a car, go to university and get married (if she wants to)", she said.

"I would like her to have a profession that she would be proud of, and for her to feel appreciated at work. I would like her to have some meaningful relationships. And above all, I would just like her to be happy".

Thank goodness Vanessa trusted her gut when the doctors dismissed her concerns from the start. Mother knows best.

Share the article and send prayers and strength to Amy. She deserves it!


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