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Woman finished a 14-hour shift and ate her sandwich alone - the husband's letter on Facebook made the entire internet boil





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When it comes to professions in which the employees have to give everything for others, there are few that jump immediately to your mind, and one of them is nursing in hospitals.

Nurses are there to care for us when we are sick, wounded, dying or recovering. They are there at the worst times and have to do their part with a brave face and inspirational mental strength.

Philip Urtz, knows how hard it is to be a nurse. His wife, Jessica, is a nurse and caregiver in a stroke unit in a hospital and takes care of others almost every day of her life. Phillip sees her when she returns home, and he sees the price that this profession takes from his wife, and the physical and mental exhaustion with which she copes day after day ..

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But Jessica is not one of the people who complain. As Philip tells in an open letter on Facebook, his wife's work is her life's work, and her routine is one that takes away energy even from the most powerful of people.

One evening, after Jessica finished her 14-hour shift, she went home and tried to rest. After she had prepared herself something to eat, she went to bed to get ready for another day's work with the same passion she always had.

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When his wife went to slept, Phillip decided to do something to honor her commitment. He wrote a post on Facebook about Jessica's daily seriousness and dedication, and since then the post has spread like wildfire.

Philip's post

"This is my wife Jessica eating dinner after a 14-hour shift, she's coming home from work, she has enough time to eat, get ready for sleep and then go back to work for another shift", he wrote on Facebook.

"She gets up early to get ready for her day, she doesn't like being disturbed in the morning and I respect it, she showers, dresses her hair, makes lunch, gives the dog and me a kiss and leaves the house.

At work she treats people who have the worst day of their lives. Stroke, road accidents, falls, fractures, brain damage and more. She takes care of mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friends and families. It doesn't matter who you are or what happened. She'll take care of you".

She works through lunch and rarely has time to sit. She comes home after 14 hours, takes off her shoes that have walked through blood and tears, and just wants to sit down. I don’t ask her about her day because She doesn’t like to talk about work when she is home and that’s fine.

If she does want to talk, I will listen to her. Sometimes she comes home happy and sometime she comes home sad. But no matter how she feels, she is always on time for her next shift.

I love her with all my heart. My wife is my hero. My wife is a Stroke Nurse.”

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We know, Philip's letter is one that can bring people to tears!

If you think that nurses deserve all the respect in the world, share the article with your friends and family.


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