With only 2 ingredients you will be able to quickly and easily get rid of nail fungus
A fungal infection can appear anywhere in your body. This type of infection happens when fungus appears in the body and attacks it by showing up mainly in the nail area.
The American Academy of Dermatology indicates that fungal infection attacks the nails mainly because it's the part of the body that is trapped most of the time in socks and shoes, creating a warm and closed environment, ideal for the survival of bacteria.
When the fungus begins to grow, you will get an infection. When a person is healthy, the fungal infection will not lead to complications, but if a person has a weakened immune system, it can lead to itching and pain, and in some cases, the pain will be so severe that it will be difficult to walk and perform properly.
How to get rid of a fungal infection?
Baking soda powder, also known as Sodium Bicarbonate can not get rid of the fungus, but it can block and reject it, preventing the fungus from spreading or reappearing.
Vinegar can interfere with the survival of the fungus, but do not worry - it will not harm your skin or nails.
The recipe
- 4-5 tablespoons baking soda powder
- 1 cup of apple cider vinegar or plain vinegar
- Water
- Paper towels
You will need to mix one cup of apple cider vinegar or vinegar in a large bowl with water, and then stir your feet in it for about 15 minutes. When you are done, dry your feet thoroughly with paper towels. Then add the baking soda powder in the same water, and soak the feet for another 15 minutes.
Do this twice a day. The soda will prevent the fungus from reappearing, and the vinegar will kill it. And remember to chop your nails before treatment. Use clean nail clippers, and clean it with alcohol afterwards.