It prevents hair loss: thanks to this ingredient your eyebrows, eyelashes and hair will grow incredibly fast!
Castor oil is one of the best natural cures there are, especially when it comes to hair loss and skin problems.
Aside of it's anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, it's also rich with proteins, vitamin E and minerals. In addition, it's rich with Omega-9, a fatty oil that nurtures the hair follicles, and aids to the growth of eyebrows, eyelashes and hair.
This wonderful oil is also enriched with Triglycerides of saturated fat, which revitalizes hair and bring it back to life. Furthermore, it's known that retinolic acid prevents and treats fungi, mold, microbes and infections.
It also has an anti-inflammatory influence that helps digestion and prevents guts infections.
According to Dr. David Williams, Castor oil can also help lymph circulation:
"There's no medicine that can improve lymph circulation, but Castor oil can do that".
Other benefits of using Castor oil:
- Eases headaches
- Calms down and soothes sun burns
- Treats skin infections
- Prevents acne and skin problems
- Prevents worms
- Treats digestive problems
- Eases period pain (for women)
- Prevents dandruff, and calf infections
How to use Castor oil:
Pour some castor oil on several layers of gauze, then apply to the skin. For optimum effect, it's recommended to put a hot water bottle on the bandages and stay for about an hour with them. You should repeat this 3 times a week for optimum results.
Castor oil dramatically accelerates hair growth as well as the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes. Just mix 15 drops of garlic juice, 30ml of castor oil and 20ml of Pantanol, and apply the liquid on the eyebrows or eyelashes on a daily basis.