When Rion Paige was 13 years old, she proved to the world that music really have healing powers. Rion was born with a rare disease called Arthrogryposism, causing restricted movement around a number of joints by shortening tendons and muscles.
Because of her condition, Rion could easily develop a negative attitude towards life. But instead, she has an incredible mind and spirit that shines through her as she appears.
"I'm not supposed to limit her", said her mother Alisa. "I'm supposed to give her every opportunity and say, this is your time to blossom honey".
Simon Cowell, known as a strict judge who is hard to please, didn't know what to think when Rion went on stage. But after she finished singing, he said that Rion is amazing in so many forms – and her version of "Blown Away" by Carrie Underwood reminded him of Carrie when she first appeared on the show American Idol.
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