New study found: Children who do daily chores at home become more successful adults
This can be a difficult decision - whether or not to let your child do chores at home.
Some parents feel that they want their child to enjoy as much as possible before his inevitable responsibility as an adult begins to play a role.
And there are parents who want to teach their child responsibility from a very young age.
If you choose to let your child do chores and think this is the right decision, then a new research now supports it.
Scientists say that giving a child regular tasks at home can help him become a more successful adult and even live a happier life.

We all want our children to be happy and after a long day at school and the homework they need to do, we may feel like evil parents to give our dears even more additional tasks.
But a recent study shows that it is beneficial to them and it is not just one study that supports it, but two.
'I have to do the job of living'
Julie Lythcott-Haims, the author of How to Raise an Adult, and a former dean of Stanford University, says that the earlier you start with it, the better.
Julie said, "By making them do chores, throwing away the garbage, washing their clothes, they realize that 'I have to do the work of life to be a part of life, it is not just about me and what I need in the same moment'".

Taking part in household tasks such as folding the laundry, taking out garbage and washing dishes leads to greater success in their adult lives, according to the study.
Successful adults
Marty Rosman, who used to be a co-professor of family education at the University of Mississippi, presented information that has been gathered over 25 years as a quest to find out if children who performed daily tasks became more successful adults.
She found that adults who did chores when they were kids had a successful career and had better relationships with friends and family.

This is of course much easier said than done, and as parents we spend a lot of time during the day trying to get them to do essential things like dressing or brushing their teeth.
But if we add daily chores to the list of things we try to get our children to do, just remember that a 75-year old study from Harvard University identifies two things people need to be happy and successful: love and work ethics.
We can not help in the part of love, but encouraging your children to help at home from a young age will instill in them a work ethic that will serve them when they become adults.
Watch Julie Lythcott-Haims talk about parenting and housework in the video below.
Please share this important information with all the parents you know so that they too will have great and successful children!