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Forced to grow up and live in a small cage, the pitbull dog became a dwarf. Watch his happy ending!





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A young pit bull named Landis nicknamed 'Gargoyle' because of his deformed appearance was taken to the kennel of Second Chance Rescue NYC Dogs after they received a disturbing phone call from a shelter.

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Most of the kennel workers thought they had 'seen it all', Landis the pit bull's situation was simply horrible. On their Facebook page, the association's responses was one of pure disbelief.

"With all the horror stories we've seen and shared this year, words like 'heartbreaking' no longer have meaning. It's really sad, because we shouldn't be using them that much. At the same time, this sweet puppy is a year or two old, and as you can see, He's a dwarf. His legs are actually bent in half. You can tell by looking at him that he had to grow up and live in a small cage!! Where are these monsters coming from?"

The association immediately took him to receive medical treatment. On their Facebook page, they informed everyone that the orthopedic specialist did not recommend surgery because Landis' legs were showing improvement and he was not showing signs of pain. The operation will be very painful, they explained, and it is possible that following the operation he will have to undergo additional operations in the future.

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Instead, they looked to find Landis a home. A place where there are no hard surfaces he will have to walk on, and a place where he can receive hydrotherapy treatment.

And he got exactly that.

Landis' new home is in Massachusetts, close to Cape Cod. "He lives a few minutes from the beach (sand would be perfect for his feet), has a huge backyard and will be starting hydrotherapy just 5 minutes from his house! He will have two new brothers who are also rescued, and a mom who is home all day taking care of him and giving him everything he needs It is necessary", the members of the association wrote on Facebook.

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Here is Landis in his new home:

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